If you would like this cash register programmed to your individual requirements, I am happy to do this for you. Please message me prior to purchase so I can advise on the cost.
The Casio SE-C300 is ideal for busy shops, bars, and restaurants as it benefits from the following features:
- Fast (14 lines/s) drop in thermal printer with customisable receipt header as your business name and/or graphic logo
- Receipt on/off function with post receipt issue
- Clerk interrupt/multiple clerks (Max 50)
- 72 PLU single button flat keyboard
- 67 Raised keys
- Barcode scanner compatible (scanner not included, widely available on eBay)
- Full-size metal cash drawer
- Easy X and Z reporting
- 4 tax tables
- Single touch help button (prints common help topics)
- Simple programming
- Includes wet cover
- High visibility backlit large LCD 10 line display
- 2 Line, 8 digit LED Pop-up customer display (also rotates)
- 2000 PLUs
- 200 departments
• Casio SE-C300 cash register
• Antimicrobial keyboard
• 10 x brand new thermal till roll
• Wet cover for flat keyboard
•Full sets of keys (program, operator, and cash drawer)
•Take up spool
Please note that the full manual is available to download for free from the Casio website if required.
Technical Information:
Size W 400 x D 450 x H 213 mm
Weight 10 kg
Power consumption 240V 260 mAh
Connectivity 1 x RS232 port (barcode scanner or PC connection)
This cash register has already been initialised, and the date and time programmed as well as 2 x brand new batteries fitted for memory back up.
Please note that pictures are for illustrative purposes only, and this item may have cosmetic imperfections such as marks, scratches, etc, which do not affect the function.
If you have any questions or require technical support, please get in touch.